Reference API Roblox

Engine API



Reference API Roblox


Creates an animatable joint between two BaseParts.

Member index 5

486ChildName: string
486ParentName: string
inherited from Motor
553CurrentAngle: float
553DesiredAngle: float
553MaxVelocity: float
573SetDesiredAngle(value: float): null
inherited from JointInstance
553Active: bool
553C0: CFrame
553C1: CFrame
553Enabled: bool
553Part0: BasePart
553Part1: BasePart
inherited from Instance
553Archivable: bool
635Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities
553ClassName: string
553Name: string
553Parent: Instance
635Sandboxed: bool
616UniqueId: UniqueId
553className: string
576AddTag(tag: string): null
573ClearAllChildren(): null
462Clone(): Instance
573Destroy(): null
486FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance
563GetActor(): Actor
486GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant
462GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal
631GetAttributes(): Dictionary
486GetChildren(): Objects
462GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string
486GetDescendants(): Array
486GetFullName(): string
462GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
641GetStyled(name: string): Variant
576GetTags(): Array
576HasTag(tag: string): bool
486IsA(className: string): bool
486IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool
486IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
580IsPropertyModified(name: string): bool
573Remove(): null
576RemoveTag(tag: string): null
580ResetPropertyToDefault(name: string): null
573SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null
462WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance
553children(): Objects
553clone(): Instance
573destroy(): null
553findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
553getChildren(): Objects
462isA(className: string): bool
553isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
573remove(): null
462AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance)
462AttributeChanged(attribute: string)
462Changed(property: string)
462ChildAdded(child: Instance)
462ChildRemoved(child: Instance)
462DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance)
462DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance)
553childAdded(child: Instance)


Motor6D joins two BaseParts (Part0 and Part1) together in an animatable way. The Transform property determines the offset between these parts. This can be set manually using RunService.PreSimulation or through an Animator.

Models whose parts are joined by Motor6D are usually referred to as rigs, typically for Humanoids.

History 13

Members 5


This property is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by script code.
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.
This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.

History 3

Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated, NotScriptable]


This property is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by script code.
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.
This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.

History 3

Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated, NotScriptable]
