Roblox API Reference

AdPortal On DevHub


Inherits (1)

Member index (5)

Type Member History
string PortalInvalidReason 543
int64 PortalVersion 545
AdUnitStatus Status 568
null TeleportConfirmed (int64 placeId, Player player) 583
null TeleportRejected (bool shouldCooldown, bool rejectedByDistance) 583
57 members inherited from Instance

Removed member index (2)

Type Member History
AdPortalStatus PortalStatus 544 547 568 577
AdPortalType PortalType 543 544 567



PortalInvalidReason On DevHub

This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This member is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by Lua code.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated, NotScriptable]

PortalVersion On DevHub

This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, ReadOnly, NotReplicated]

Status On DevHub

This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated]

TeleportConfirmed On DevHub

Name Type Default
placeId int64 none
player Player none


TeleportRejected On DevHub

Name Type Default
shouldCooldown bool none
rejectedByDistance bool none


Removed members


This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This item is deprecated. It exists for backwards-compatibility only, and should not be used for new work.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated, Deprecated]



Relevant classes (1)

Relevant enums (1)