Roblox API Reference

AvatarImportService On DevHub


This class is not creatable. An object of this class cannot be created with
This class is a service. It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

Tags: [NotCreatable, Service, NotReplicated]

Inherits (1)

Member index (5)

Type Member History
Instance ImportFBXAnimationFromFilePathUserMayChooseModel (string fbxFilePath, Instance selectedRig, Function userChooseModelThenImportCB) 508
Instance ImportFBXAnimationUserMayChooseModel (Instance selectedRig, Function userChooseModelThenImportCB) 488
Instance ImportFbxRigWithoutSceneLoad (bool isR15 = true)
Instance ImportLoadedFBXAnimation (bool useFBXModel) 488
Instance LoadRigAndDetectType (Function promptR15Callback)
57 members inherited from Instance



ImportFBXAnimationFromFilePathUserMayChooseModel On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
fbxFilePath string none
selectedRig Instance none
userChooseModelThenImportCB Function none


Tags: [Yields]

ImportFBXAnimationUserMayChooseModel On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
selectedRig Instance none
userChooseModelThenImportCB Function none


Tags: [Yields]

ImportFbxRigWithoutSceneLoad On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
isR15 bool true

Tags: [Yields]

ImportLoadedFBXAnimation On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
useFBXModel bool none


Tags: [Yields]

LoadRigAndDetectType On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
promptR15Callback Function none

Tags: [Yields]

Relevant classes (1)