Must be used by plugins to communicate to Studio how to undo and redo the
changes which they make to the experience.
Instances of this class cannot be created with
It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
Tags: [NotCreatable, Service]
History Member 583 FinishRecording ( identifier: string , operation: FinishRecordingOperation , finalOptions: Dictionary? ) : null 462 GetCanRedo ( ) : Tuple 462 GetCanUndo ( ) : Tuple 583 IsRecordingInProgress ( identifier: string? ) : bool 573 Redo ( ) : null 573 ResetWaypoints ( ) : null 573 SetEnabled ( state: bool ) : null 573 SetWaypoint ( name: string ) : null 583 TryBeginRecording ( name: string , displayName: string? ) : string? 573 Undo ( ) : null 658 OnRecordingFinished ( name: string , displayName: string? , identifier: string? , operation: FinishRecordingOperation , finalOptions: Dictionary? ) 583 OnRecordingStarted ( name: string , displayName: string? ) 462 OnRedo ( waypoint: string ) 462 OnUndo ( waypoint: string ) 65 members inherited from Instance553 Archivable : bool 553 Attributes : string 553 AttributesReplicate : string 553 AttributesSerialize : BinaryString 635 Capabilities : SecurityCapabilities 553 DataCost : int 619 DefinesCapabilities : bool 553 HistoryId : UniqueId 553 Name : string 553 Parent : Instance 553 PropertyStatusStudio : PropertyStatus 553 RobloxLocked : bool 635 Sandboxed : bool 616 SourceAssetId : int64 553 Tags : BinaryString 616 UniqueId : UniqueId 553 archivable : bool 553 numExpectedDirectChildren : int 576 AddTag ( tag: string ) : null 573 ClearAllChildren ( ) : null 462 Clone ( ) : Instance 573 Destroy ( ) : null 486 FindFirstAncestor ( name: string ) : Instance 486 FindFirstAncestorOfClass ( className: string ) : Instance 486 FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA ( className: string ) : Instance 486 FindFirstChild ( name: string , recursive: bool = false ) : Instance 486 FindFirstChildOfClass ( className: string ) : Instance 486 FindFirstChildWhichIsA ( className: string , recursive: bool = false ) : Instance 486 FindFirstDescendant ( name: string ) : Instance 563 GetActor ( ) : Actor 486 GetAttribute ( attribute: string ) : Variant 462 GetAttributeChangedSignal ( attribute: string ) : RBXScriptSignal 631 GetAttributes ( ) : Dictionary 648 GetChildren ( ) : Instances 462 GetDebugId ( scopeLength: int = 4 ) : string 486 GetDescendants ( ) : Array 486 GetFullName ( ) : string 641 GetStyled ( name: string ) : Variant 657 GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal ( property: string ) : RBXScriptSignal 576 GetTags ( ) : Array 576 HasTag ( tag: string ) : bool 486 IsAncestorOf ( descendant: Instance ) : bool 486 IsDescendantOf ( ancestor: Instance ) : bool 664 IsPropertyModified ( property: string ) : bool 573 Remove ( ) : null 576 RemoveTag ( tag: string ) : null 664 ResetPropertyToDefault ( property: string ) : null 573 SetAttribute ( attribute: string , value: Variant ) : null 462 WaitForChild ( childName: string , timeOut: double ) : Instance 648 children ( ) : Instances 553 clone ( ) : Instance 573 destroy ( ) : null 553 findFirstChild ( name: string , recursive: bool = false ) : Instance 648 getChildren ( ) : Instances 553 isDescendantOf ( ancestor: Instance ) : bool 573 remove ( ) : null 462 AncestryChanged ( child: Instance , parent: Instance ) 462 AttributeChanged ( attribute: string ) 462 ChildAdded ( child: Instance ) 462 ChildRemoved ( child: Instance ) 462 DescendantAdded ( descendant: Instance ) 462 DescendantRemoving ( descendant: Instance ) 500 Destroying ( ) 657 StyledPropertiesChanged ( ) 553 childAdded ( child: Instance ) 6 members inherited from Object647 ClassName : string 647 className : string 647 GetPropertyChangedSignal ( property: string ) : RBXScriptSignal 647 IsA ( className: string ) : bool 650 isA ( className: string ) : bool 647 Changed ( property: string )
Parameters (0 ) No parameters. Returns (1 ) Tuple
Returns whether there are actions that can be redone, and, if there are,
returns the last of them.
History 4 Parameters (0 ) No parameters. Returns (1 ) Tuple
Returns whether there are actions that can be undone, and, if there are,
returns the last of them.
History 4 Fired when the user reverses the undo command. Waypoint describes the type
action that has been redone.
History 2 Fired when the user undoes an action in studio. Waypoint describes the
type action that has been undone.
History 2 Parameters (0 ) No parameters. Returns (1 ) null
Executes the last action that was undone.
History 5 573
Change ReturnType of Redo
null 462
Change ThreadSafety of Redo
Unsafe 151
Change Security of Redo
PluginSecurity 150
Change Security of Redo
security1 47
Add RedoParameters (0 ) No parameters. Returns (1 ) null
Clears the history, causing all undo/redo waypoints to be removed.
History 5 Sets whether or not the ChangeHistoryService is enabled. When set to
false, the undo/redo list is cleared, and does not repopulate. When set to
true again, the original list is not restored, but further operations
append to the list once more
History 5 This method will be deprecated soon in favor of
TryBeginRecording() .
ChangeHistoryService tracks plugin history as a stream of property
changes. SetWaypoint() creates
a cut in that stream of property changes so that the undo and redo actions
know where to stop.
By convention, user-invoked actions in Studio must call
SetWaypoint() after
completing their set of changes to the experience. Calling it before a
set of changes may clean up another misbehaving plugin which failed to set
a waypoint, but it's a poor reason to justify such usage in your own
History 5 This method begins a recording to track changes to the data model. You
must call it prior to making changes to avoid future warnings or
When the recording is completed, you call
FinishRecording() with the
returned recording identifier to complete the recording and update the
undo/redo stack.
This method will return nil
if it fails to begin a recording. Recordings
fail if the plugin already has a recording in progress, or if the user is
in Run or Play mode.
You may use
to check the recording status of the plugin.
History 1 Parameters (0 ) No parameters. Returns (1 ) null
Undos the last action taken, for which there exists a waypoint.
History 5 573
Change ReturnType of Undo
null 462
Change ThreadSafety of Undo
Unsafe 151
Change Security of Undo
PluginSecurity 150
Change Security of Undo
security1 47
Add Undo