Roblox API Reference

Chat On DevHub


This class is not creatable. An object of this class cannot be created with
This class is a service. It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

Tags: [NotCreatable, Service, NotReplicated]

Inherits (1)

Member index (15)

Type Member History
bool BubbleChatEnabled 363
bool LoadDefaultChat 275
bool CanUserChatAsync (int64 userId) 279 323
bool CanUsersChatAsync (int64 userIdFrom, int64 userIdTo) 279 323
null Chat (Instance partOrCharacter, string message, ChatColor color = Blue) 573
null ChatLocal (Instance partOrCharacter, string message, ChatColor color = Blue) 281 573
string FilterStringAsync (string stringToFilter, Player playerFrom, Player playerTo) 242 484
string FilterStringForBroadcast (string stringToFilter, Player playerFrom) 247 246 247 484
string FilterStringForPlayerAsync (string stringToFilter, Player playerToFilterFor) 174 247 246 247 484
bool GetShouldUseLuaChat () 256
Tuple InvokeChatCallback (ChatCallbackType callbackType, Tuple callbackArguments) 355
null RegisterChatCallback (ChatCallbackType callbackType, Function callbackFunction) 355 573
null SetBubbleChatSettings (Variant settings) 451 573
BubbleChatSettingsChanged (Variant settings) 451
Chatted (Instance part, string message, ChatColor color)
57 members inherited from Instance

Removed member index (1)

Type Member History
void SetIsLuaChatBackendOverwritten (bool value) 264 267



BubbleChatEnabled On DevHub


BubbleChatSettingsChanged On DevHub

Name Type Default
settings Variant none


CanUserChatAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
userId int64 none


Tags: [Yields]

CanUsersChatAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
userIdFrom int64 none
userIdTo int64 none


Tags: [Yields]

Chat On DevHub

Name Type Default
partOrCharacter Instance none
message string none
color ChatColor Blue


ChatLocal On DevHub

Name Type Default
partOrCharacter Instance none
message string none
color ChatColor Blue


Chatted On DevHub

Name Type Default
part Instance none
message string none
color ChatColor none

FilterStringAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
stringToFilter string none
playerFrom Player none
playerTo Player none


Tags: [Yields]

FilterStringForBroadcast On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
stringToFilter string none
playerFrom Player none


Tags: [Yields]

FilterStringForPlayerAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
This item is deprecated. It exists for backwards-compatibility only, and should not be used for new work.
Name Type Default
stringToFilter string none
playerToFilterFor Player none


Tags: [Yields, Deprecated]

GetShouldUseLuaChat On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


InvokeChatCallback On DevHub

Name Type Default
callbackType ChatCallbackType none
callbackArguments Tuple none


LoadDefaultChat On DevHub


RegisterChatCallback On DevHub

Name Type Default
callbackType ChatCallbackType none
callbackFunction Function none


SetBubbleChatSettings On DevHub

Name Type Default
settings Variant none


Removed members


Name Type Default
value bool none


Relevant classes (2)

Relevant enums (2)