Roblox API Reference

GlobalDataStore On DevHub


This class is not creatable. An object of this class cannot be created with
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

Tags: [NotCreatable, NotReplicated]

Inherits (1)

Inherited by (2)

Member index (6)

Type Member History
Tuple GetAsync (string key, DataStoreGetOptions options = nil) 453 452 459 458 459 592
Variant IncrementAsync (string key, int delta = 1, Array userIds = {}, DataStoreIncrementOptions options = nil) 453 452 460 462 483
RBXScriptConnection OnUpdate (string key, Function callback) 404
Tuple RemoveAsync (string key) 313 453 452 459 458 459
Variant SetAsync (string key, Variant value, Array userIds = {}, DataStoreSetOptions options = nil) 453 453 452 452 459 459 458 458 459 459 460 462 483
Tuple UpdateAsync (string key, Function transformFunction)
57 members inherited from Instance

Removed member index (4)

Type Member History
Tuple GetVersionAsync (string key, string version) 453 452
Instance ListKeysAsync (string prefix = , int pageSize = 0) 453 452
Instance ListVersionsAsync (string key, SortDirection sortDirection = Ascending, int64 minDate = 0, int64 maxDate = 0, int pageSize = 0) 453 452
void RemoveVersionAsync (string key, string version) 453 452



GetAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
options DataStoreGetOptions nil


Tags: [Yields]

IncrementAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
delta int 1
userIds Array {}
options DataStoreIncrementOptions nil


Tags: [Yields]

OnUpdate On DevHub

This item is deprecated. It exists for backwards-compatibility only, and should not be used for new work.
Name Type Default
key string none
callback Function none


Tags: [Deprecated]

RemoveAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none


Tags: [Yields]

SetAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
value Variant none
userIds Array {}
options DataStoreSetOptions nil


Tags: [Yields]

UpdateAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
transformFunction Function none

Tags: [Yields]

Removed members


This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
version string none


Tags: [Yields]


This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
prefix string
pageSize int 0


Tags: [Yields]


This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
sortDirection SortDirection Ascending
minDate int64 0
maxDate int64 0
pageSize int 0


Tags: [Yields]


This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
key string none
version string none


Tags: [Yields]

Relevant classes (3)

Relevant members (2)