Reference API Roblox

Engine API



Reference API Roblox


An abstract class for all 2D user interface objects.

This class is not creatable. Instances of this class cannot be created with
This class is not browsable. It is not visible in Studio's object browser.
Tags: [NotCreatable, NotBrowsable]

Member index 58

553Active: bool
553AnchorPoint: Vector2
553AutomaticSize: AutomaticSize
553BackgroundColor3: Color3
553BackgroundTransparency: float
553BorderColor3: Color3
553BorderMode: BorderMode
553BorderSizePixel: int
553ClipsDescendants: bool
553Draggable: bool
588GuiState: GuiState
589Interactable: bool
553LayoutOrder: int
553NextSelectionDown: GuiObject
553NextSelectionLeft: GuiObject
553NextSelectionRight: GuiObject
553NextSelectionUp: GuiObject
553Position: UDim2
553Rotation: float
553Selectable: bool
553SelectionImageObject: GuiObject
553SelectionOrder: int
553Size: UDim2
553SizeConstraint: SizeConstraint
553Visible: bool
553ZIndex: int
462TweenPosition(endPosition: UDim2, easingDirection: EasingDirection = Out, easingStyle: EasingStyle = Quad, time: float = 1, override: bool = false, callback: Function = nil): bool
462TweenSize(endSize: UDim2, easingDirection: EasingDirection = Out, easingStyle: EasingStyle = Quad, time: float = 1, override: bool = false, callback: Function = nil): bool
462TweenSizeAndPosition(endSize: UDim2, endPosition: UDim2, easingDirection: EasingDirection = Out, easingStyle: EasingStyle = Quad, time: float = 1, override: bool = false, callback: Function = nil): bool
462DragBegin(initialPosition: UDim2)
462DragStopped(x: int, y: int)
483InputBegan(input: InputObject)
483InputChanged(input: InputObject)
483InputEnded(input: InputObject)
462MouseEnter(x: int, y: int)
462MouseLeave(x: int, y: int)
462MouseMoved(x: int, y: int)
462MouseWheelBackward(x: int, y: int)
462MouseWheelForward(x: int, y: int)
462TouchLongPress(touchPositions: Array, state: UserInputState)
462TouchPan(touchPositions: Array, totalTranslation: Vector2, velocity: Vector2, state: UserInputState)
462TouchPinch(touchPositions: Array, scale: float, velocity: float, state: UserInputState)
462TouchRotate(touchPositions: Array, rotation: float, velocity: float, state: UserInputState)
462TouchSwipe(swipeDirection: SwipeDirection, numberOfTouches: int)
462TouchTap(touchPositions: Array)
inherited from GuiBase2d
553AbsolutePosition: Vector2
553AbsoluteRotation: float
553AbsoluteSize: Vector2
553AutoLocalize: bool
553RootLocalizationTable: LocalizationTable
553SelectionBehaviorDown: SelectionBehavior
553SelectionBehaviorLeft: SelectionBehavior
553SelectionBehaviorRight: SelectionBehavior
553SelectionBehaviorUp: SelectionBehavior
553SelectionGroup: bool
525SelectionChanged(amISelected: bool, previousSelection: GuiObject, newSelection: GuiObject)
inherited from Instance
553Archivable: bool
635Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities
553Name: string
553Parent: Instance
635Sandboxed: bool
616UniqueId: UniqueId
576AddTag(tag: string): null
573ClearAllChildren(): null
462Clone(): Instance
573Destroy(): null
486FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance
563GetActor(): Actor
486GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant
462GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal
631GetAttributes(): Dictionary
648GetChildren(): Instances
462GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string
486GetDescendants(): Array
486GetFullName(): string
641GetStyled(name: string): Variant
657GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
576GetTags(): Array
576HasTag(tag: string): bool
486IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool
486IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
664IsPropertyModified(property: string): bool
573Remove(): null
576RemoveTag(tag: string): null
664ResetPropertyToDefault(property: string): null
573SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null
462WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance
648children(): Instances
553clone(): Instance
573destroy(): null
553findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
648getChildren(): Instances
553isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
573remove(): null
462AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance)
462AttributeChanged(attribute: string)
462ChildAdded(child: Instance)
462ChildRemoved(child: Instance)
462DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance)
462DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance)
553childAdded(child: Instance)
inherited from Object
647ClassName: string
647className: string
647GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
647IsA(className: string): bool
650isA(className: string): bool
647Changed(property: string)

Removed member index 2

293AbsoluteRotation: float
339SizeFromContents: bool


GuiObject is an abstract class (much like BasePart) for a 2D user interface object. It defines all the properties relating to the display of a graphical user interface (GUI) object such as Size and Position. It also has some useful read‑only properties like AbsolutePosition, AbsoluteSize, and AbsoluteRotation.

To manipulate the layout of GUI objects in special ways, you can use a layout structure such as list/flex or grid, and you can style them beyond their core properties through appearance modifiers.

Although it's possible to detect mouse button events on any GUI object using InputBegan and InputEnded, only ImageButton and TextButton have convenient dedicated events such as Activated to detect click/press.

History 211

Members 58



This property determines whether the GuiObject will sink input to 3D space, such as underlying models with a ClickDetector class like DragDetector.

For GuiButton objects (ImageButton and TextButton), this property determines whether Activated fires (AutoButtonColor will still work for those as well). The events InputBegan, InputChanged, and InputEnded work as normal no matter the value of this property.

History 4



This property determines the origin point of a GuiObject, relative to its absolute size. The origin point determines from where the element is positioned (through GuiObject.Position) and from which the rendered GuiObject.Size expands.

See here for illustrated diagrams and details.

History 4



This property is used to automatically size parent UI objects based on the size of its descendants. You can use this property to dynamically add text and other content to a UI object at edit or run time, and the size will adjust to fit that content.

When AutomaticSize is set to an AutomaticSize value to anything other than None, this UI object may resize depending on its child content.

For more information on how to use this property and how it works, please see here.

History 4



This property determines the color of a GuiObject background (the fill color). If your element contains text, such as a TextBox, TextButton, or TextLabel, make sure the color of your background contrasts the text's color.

Another property that determines the visual properties of the background is GuiObject.BackgroundTransparency; if this is set to 1, neither the background nor the border will render.

See also BorderColor3.

History 4



This property determines the transparency of the GuiObject background and border. It does not, however, determine the transparency of text if the GUI is a TextBox, TextButton, or TextLabel; text transparency is determined TextBox.TextTransparency, TextButton.TextTransparency, and TextLabel.TextTransparency respectively.

If this property is set to 1, neither the background nor the border will render and the GUI background will be completely transparent.

History 4



Determines the color of the GuiObject rectangular border (also known as the stroke color). This is separate from the object's GuiObject.BackgroundColor3. You will not be able to see the object's border if its GuiObject.BorderSizePixel property is set to 0.

Note that the UIStroke component allows for more advanced border effects.

History 4



This property determines in what manner the GuiObject border is laid out relative to its dimensions using the enum of the same name, BorderMode.

Note that UIStroke can override this property and allow for more advanced border effects.

History 4



This property determines how wide the GuiObject border renders, in pixels. Setting this to 0 disables the border altogether.

Note that UIStroke can override this property and allow for more advanced border effects.

History 4



This property determines if the GuiObject will clip (make invisible) any portion of descendant GUI elements that would otherwise render outside the bounds of the rectangle.

Note that Rotation isn't supported by this property. If this or any ancestor GUI has a non‑zero Rotation, this property is ignored and descendant GUI elements will be rendered regardless of this property's value.

History 4


Parameters (1)

This event fires when a player begins dragging the object.

See also GuiObject.DragStopped.

This event is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (2)

This event fires when a player stops dragging the object.

See also GuiObject.DragBegin.

This event is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 3

Tags: [Deprecated]



This indicates whether a GuiObject (and its descendants) can be dragged around the screen.

This property is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]



When the player's finger is being tapped and held on the GuiObject, the GuiState of the GuiObject will be set to Press. Similarly, When the player's finger is being released from the GuiObject, the GuiState of the GuiObject will be set to Idle, and when Interactable is turned off on the GuiObject, the GuiState of the GuiObject will be set to NonInteractable.

This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.
This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.

History 1

Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated]


Parameters (1)

This event fires when a user begins interacting with the GuiObject via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).

The UserInputService has a similarly named event that is not restricted to a specific UI element: UserInputService.InputBegan.

This event will always fire regardless of game state.

See also GuiObject.InputEnded and GuiObject.InputChanged.

History 5


Parameters (1)

This event fires when a user changes how they're interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).

The UserInputService has a similarly named event that is not restricted to a specific UI element: UserInputService.InputChanged.

This event will always fire regardless of game state.

See also GuiObject.InputBegan and GuiObject.InputEnded.

History 5


Parameters (1)

The InputEnded event fires when a user stops interacting via a Human-Computer Interface device (Mouse button down, touch begin, keyboard button down, etc).

The UserInputService has a similarly named event that is not restricted to a specific UI element: UserInputService.InputEnded.

This event will always fire regardless of game state.

See also GuiObject.InputBegan and GuiObject.InputChanged.

History 5



Determines whether the GuiButton can be interacted with or not, or if the GuiState of the GuiObject is changing or not.

On a GuiButton:

On a GuiObject:

History 1



This property controls the sorting order of the GuiObject when using a UIGridStyleLayout (such as UIListLayout or UIPageLayout) with SortOrder set to SortOrder.LayoutOrder. It has no functionality if the object does not have a sibling UI layout structure.

GuiObjects are sorted in ascending order where lower values take priority over higher values. Objects with equal values fall back to the order they were added in.

If you are unsure if you'll need to add an element between two existing elements in the future, it's a good practice to use multiples of 100 (0, 100, 200, etc.). This ensures a large gap of layout order values which you can use for elements ordered in-between other elements.

See also ZIndex which determines the object's rendering order instead of sorting order.

History 4


Parameters (2)

The MouseEnter event fires when a user moves their mouse into a GuiObject element.

Please do not rely on the x and y arguments passed by this event as a fool-proof way to determine where the user's mouse is when it enters a GUI. These coordinates may vary even when the mouse enters the GUI via the same edge - particularly when the mouse enters the element quickly. This is due to the fact the coordinates indicate the position of the mouse when the event fires rather than the exact moment the mouse enters the GUI.

This event fires even when the GUI element renders beneath another element.

If you would like to track when a user's mouse leaves a GUI element, you can use the GuiObject.MouseLeave event.

See Also

History 2


Parameters (2)

The MouseLeave event fires when a user moves their mouse out of a GuiObject element.

Please do not rely on the x and y arguments passed by this event as a fool-proof way to determine where the user's mouse is when it leaves a GUI. These coordinates may vary even when the mouse leaves the GUI via the same edge - particularly when the mouse leaves the element quickly. This is due to the fact the coordinates indicate the position of the mouse when the event fires rather than the exact moment the mouse leaves the GUI.

This event fires even when the GUI element renders beneath another element.

See Also

History 2


Parameters (2)

Fires whenever a user moves their mouse while it is inside a GuiObject element. It is similar to Mouse.Move, which fires regardless whether the user's mouse is over a GUI element.

Note, this event fires when the mouse's position is updated, therefore it will fire repeatedly while being moved.

The x and y arguments indicate the updated screen coordinates of the user's mouse in pixels. These can be useful to determine the mouse's location on the GUI, screen, and delta since the mouse's previous position if it is being tracked in a global variable.

The code below demonstrates how to determine the Vector2 offset of the user's mouse relative to a GUI element:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local CustomScrollingFrame = script.Parent
local SubFrame = CustomScrollingFrame:FindFirstChild("SubFrame")

local mouse = Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

local function getPosition(X, Y)
	local gui_X = CustomScrollingFrame.AbsolutePosition.X
	local gui_Y = CustomScrollingFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y

	local pos = - gui_X), math.abs(Y - gui_Y - 36))


Note that this event may not fire exactly when the user's mouse enters or exits a GUI element. Therefore, the x and y arguments may not match up perfectly to the coordinates of the GUI's edges.

See Also

History 2


Parameters (2)

The WheelBackward event fires when a user scrolls their mouse wheel back when the mouse is over a GuiObject element. It is similar to Mouse.WheelBackward, which fires regardless whether the user's mouse is over a GUI element.

This event fires merely as an indicator of the wheel's backward movement. This means that the x and y mouse coordinate arguments don't change as a result of this event. These coordinates only change when the mouse moves, which can be tracked by the GuiObject.MouseMoved event.

See Also

History 2


Parameters (2)

The WheelForward event fires when a user scrolls their mouse wheel forward when the mouse is over a GuiObject element. It is similar to Mouse.WheelForward, which fires regardless whether the user's mouse is over a GUI element.

This event fires merely as an indicator of the wheel's forward movement. This means that the X and Y mouse coordinate arguments do not change as a result of this event. These coordinates only change when the mouse moves, which can be tracked by the GuiObject.MouseMoved event.

See Also

History 2



This property sets the GuiObject selected when the user moves the gamepad selector downward. If this property is empty, moving the gamepad downward will not change the selected GUI.

Moving the gamepad selector downward sets the GuiService.SelectedObject to this object unless the GUI is not Selectable. Note that this property can be set to a GUI element even if it is not Selectable, so you should ensure that the value of a GUI's selectable property matches your expected behavior.

See also NextSelectionUp, NextSelectionLeft, and NextSelectionRight.

History 8



This property sets the GuiObject selected when the user moves the gamepad selector to the left. If this property is empty, moving the gamepad to the left will not change the selected GUI.

Moving the gamepad selector to the left sets the GuiService.SelectedObject to this object unless the GUI is not Selectable. Note that this property can be set to a GUI element even if it is not Selectable, so you should ensure that the value of a GUI's selectable property matches your expected behavior.

See also NextSelectionUp, NextSelectionDown, and NextSelectionRight.

History 8



This property sets the GuiObject selected when the user moves the gamepad selector to the right. If this property is empty, moving the gamepad to the right will not change the selected GUI.

Moving the gamepad selector to the right sets the GuiService.SelectedObject to this object unless the GUI is not Selectable. Note that this property can be set to a GUI element even if it is not Selectable, so you should ensure that the value of a GUI's selectable property matches your expected behavior.

See also NextSelectionUp, NextSelectionDown, and NextSelectionLeft.

History 8



This property sets the GuiObject selected when the user moves the gamepad selector upward. If this property is empty, moving the gamepad upward will not change the selected GUI.

Moving the gamepad selector upward sets the GuiService.SelectedObject to this object unless the GUI is not Selectable. Note that this property can be set to a GUI element even if it is not Selectable, so you should ensure that the value of a GUI's selectable property matches your expected behavior.

See also NextSelectionDown, NextSelectionLeft, NextSelectionRight.

History 8



This property determines the GuiObject pixel and scalar position using a UDim2. Position is centered around the object's GuiObject.AnchorPoint.

The scalar position is relative to the size of the parent GUI element, if any.

The pixel portions of the UDim2 value are the same regardless of the parent GUI's size. The values represent the position of the object in pixels. An object's actual pixel position can be read from the GuiBase2d.AbsolutePosition property.

History 4



This property determines the number of degrees by which the GuiObject is rotated. Rotation is relative to the center of the object, not the AnchorPoint, meaning you cannot change the point of rotation. Additionally, this property is not compatible with ClipsDescendants.

History 4



This property determines whether the GuiObject can be selected when navigating GUIs using a gamepad.

If this property is true, a GUI can be selected. Selecting a GUI also sets the GuiService.SelectedObject property to that object.

When this is false, the GUI cannot be selected. However, setting this to false when a GUI is selected will not deselect it nor change the value of the GuiService.SelectedObject property.

Add GuiObject.SelectionGained and GuiObject.SelectionLost will not fire for the element. To deselect a GuiObject, you must change the GuiService.SelectedObject property.

This property is useful if a GUI is connected to several GUIs via properties such as this GuiObject.NextSelectionUp, GuiObject.NextSelectionDown, NextSelectionRight, or NextSelectionLeft. Rather than change all of the properties so that the Gamepad cannot select the GUI, you can disable its Selectable property to temporarily prevent it from being selected. Then, when you want the gamepad selector to be able to select the GUI, simply re-enable its selectable property.

History 7


Parameters (0)
No parameters.

This event fires when the Gamepad selector starts focusing on the GuiObject.

If you want to check from the Gamepad select stops focusing on the GUI element, you can use the GuiObject.SelectionLost event.

When a GUI gains selection focus, the value of the SelectedObject property also changes to the that gains selection. To determine which GUI gained selection, check the value of this property.

History 2



This property overrides the default selection adornment used for gamepads.

Note that the chosen SelectionImageObject overlays the selected GuiObject with the Size of the image. For best results, you should size the custom SelectionImageObject via the scale UDim2 values to help ensure that the object scales properly over the selected element.

Changing the SelectionImageObject for a GuiObject element only affects that element. To affect all of a user's GUI elements, set the PlayerGui.SelectionImageObject property.

To determine or set which GUI element is selected by the user, you can use the GuiService.SelectedObject property. The player uses the gamepad to select different GUI elements, invoking the NextSelectionUp, NextSelectionDown, NextSelectionLeft, and NextSelectionRight events.

History 5


Parameters (0)
No parameters.

This event fires when the Gamepad selector stops focusing on the GuiObject.

If you want to check from the Gamepad select starts focusing on the GUI element, you can use the GuiObject.SelectionGained event.

When a GUI loses selection focus, the value of the SelectionObject property changes either to nil or to the GUI element that gains selection focus. To determine which GUI gained selection, or if no GUI is selected, check the value of this property.

History 2



GuiObjects with a lower SelectionOrder are selected earlier than GuiObjects with a higher SelectionOrder when starting the gamepad selection or calling GuiService:Select() on an ancestor. This property does not affect directional navigation. Default value is 0.

History 3



This property determines the GuiObject scalar and pixel size using a UDim2.

The scalar size is relative to the size of the parent GUI element, if any.

The pixel portions of the UDim2 value are the same regardless of the parent GUI's size. The values represent the size of the object in pixels. An object's actual pixel size can be read from the GuiBase2d.AbsoluteSize property.

If the GuiObject has a parent, its size along each axis is also influenced by the parent's SizeConstraint.

History 4

  • 553 Change Default of Size from to
  • 486 Change ThreadSafety of Size from ReadOnly to ReadSafe
  • 462 Change ThreadSafety of Size from to ReadOnly
  • 47 Add Size



This property sets the Size axes that the GuiObject will be based on, relative to the size of its parent.

This property is useful for creating GUI objects that are meant to scale with either the width or height of a parent object, but not both, effectively preserving the aspect ratio of the object.

History 4


Parameters (2)

This event fires after a brief moment when the player holds their finger on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. It fires with a table of Vector2 that describe the relative screen positions of the fingers involved in the gesture. In addition, it fires multiple times: UserInputState.Begin after a brief delay, UserInputState.Change if the player moves their finger during the gesture, and finally UserInputState.End. The delay is platform dependent; in Studio it is a little longer than one second.

Since this event only requires one finger, this event can be simulated in Studio using the emulator and a mouse.

History 4


Parameters (4)

This event fires when the player moves their finger on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. It fires shortly before GuiObject.TouchSwipe would, and does not fire with GuiObject.TouchTap. This event is useful for allowing the player to manipulate the position of UI elements on the screen.

This event fires with a table of Vector2 that describe the relative screen positions of the fingers involved in the gesture. In addition, it fires multiple times: UserInputState.Begin after a brief delay, UserInputState.Change when the player moves their finger during the gesture, and finally with UserInputState.End.

This event cannot be simulated in Studio using the emulator and a mouse; you must have a real touch-enabled device to fire it.

History 4


Parameters (4)

This event fires when the player uses two fingers to make a pinch or pull gesture on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. A pinch happens when two or more fingers move closer together, and a pull happens when they move apart. This event fires in conjunction with GuiObject.TouchPan. This event is useful for allowing the player to manipulate the scale (size) of UI elements on the screen, and is most often used for zooming features.

This event fires with a table of Vector2 that describe the relative screen positions of the fingers involved in the gesture. In addition, it fires multiple times: UserInputState.Begin after a brief delay, UserInputState.Change when the player moves a finger during the gesture, and finally with UserInputState.End. It should be noted that the scale should be used multiplicatively.

Since this event requires at least two fingers, it is not possible to simulate it in Studio using the emulator and a mouse; you must have a real touch-enabled device.

History 4


Parameters (4)

This event fires when the player uses two fingers to make a pinch or pull gesture on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. Rotation occurs when the angle of the line between two fingers changes. This event fires in conjunction with GuiObject.TouchPan. This event is useful for allowing the player to manipulate the rotation of UI elements on the screen.

This event fires with a table of Vector2 that describe the relative screen positions of the fingers involved in the gesture. In addition, it fires multiple times: UserInputState.Begin after a brief delay, UserInputState.Change when the player moves a finger during the gesture, and finally with UserInputState.End.

Since this event requires at least two fingers, it is not possible to be simulated in Studio using the emulator and a mouse; you must have a real touch-enabled device.

History 4


Parameters (2)

This event fires when the player performs a swipe gesture on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. It fires with the direction of the gesture (Up, Down, Left or Right) and the number of touch points involved in the gesture. Swipe gestures are often used to change tabs in mobile UIs.

Since this event only requires one finger, it can be simulated in Studio using the emulator and a mouse.

History 3


Parameters (1)

This event fires when the player performs a tap gesture on the UI element using a touch-enabled device. A tap is a quick single touch without any movement involved (a longer press would fire GuiObject.TouchLongPress, and moving during the touch would fire GuiObject.TouchPan and/or GuiObject.TouchSwipe). It fires with a table of Vector2 objects that describe the relative positions of the fingers involved in the gesture.

Since this event only requires one finger, it can be simulated in Studio using the emulator and a mouse.

History 4


Parameters (6)Default
Returns (1)

Smoothly moves a GUI to a new UDim2 position in the specified time using the specified EasingDirection and EasingStyle.

This function will return whether the tween will play. It will not play if another tween is acting on the GuiObject and the override parameter is false.

See also GuiObject:TweenSize() and GuiObject:TweenSizeAndPosition().

History 2


Parameters (6)Default
Returns (1)

Smoothly resizes a GuiObject to a new UDim2 in the specified time using the specified EasingDirection and EasingStyle.

This function will return whether the tween will play. Normally this will always return true, but it will return false if another tween is active and override is set to false.

See also GuiObject:TweenSize() and GuiObject:TweenSizeAndPosition().

History 2


Parameters (7)Default
Returns (1)

Smoothly resizes and moves a GUI to a new UDim2 size and position in the specified time using the specified EasingDirection and EasingStyle.

This function will return whether the tween will play. Normally this will always return true, but it will return false if another tween is active and override is set to false.

See also GuiObject:TweenSize() and GuiObject:TweenSizeAndPosition().

History 2



This property whether the GuiObject and its descendants will be rendered.

The rendering of individual components of a GuiObject can be controlled individually through transparency properties such as GuiObject.BackgroundTransparency, TextLabel.TextTransparency and ImageLabel.ImageTransparency.

When this property is false, the GuiObject will be ignored by layout structures such as UIListLayout, UIGridLayout, and UITableLayout. In other words, the space that the element would otherwise occupy in the layout is used by other elements instead.

History 4



This property determines the order in which a GuiObject renders relative to others.

By default, GuiObjects render in ascending priority order where those with lower ZIndex values are rendered under those with higher values. You can change the render order within a ScreenGui, SurfaceGui, or BillboardGui by changing the value of its ZIndexBehavior.

If you are unsure if you'll need to add an element between two existing elements in the future, it's a good practice to use multiples of 100 (0, 100, 200, etc.). This ensures a large gap of render order values which you can use for elements layered in-between other elements.

See also LayoutOrder which controls the sorting order of a GuiObject when used with a layout structure such as UIListLayout or UIGridLayout.

History 4

Removed members 2


This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.

History 4

Tags: [ReadOnly]



History 2
