Roblox API Reference

LocalizationService On DevHub


This class is not creatable. An object of this class cannot be created with
This class is a service. It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

Tags: [NotCreatable, Service, NotReplicated]

Inherits (1)

Member index (21)

Type Member History
string ForcePlayModeGameLocaleId 340 469 469
string ForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId 326 469 469
bool IsTextScraperRunning 324 354
string RobloxForcePlayModeGameLocaleId 340 469 469
string RobloxForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId 326 469 469
string RobloxLocaleId 311 316 316
string SystemLocaleId 293
Objects GetCorescriptLocalizations () 292 296
string GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync (Instance player) 402
Array GetTableEntries (Instance instance = nil) 372 374
Instance GetTranslatorForLocaleAsync (string locale) 369
Instance GetTranslatorForPlayer (Instance player) 319
Instance GetTranslatorForPlayerAsync (Instance player) 361
null PromptDownloadGameTableToCSV (Instance table) 364 573
null PromptExportToCSVs () 324 328 573
null PromptImportFromCSVs () 324 328 573
Instance PromptUploadCSVToGameTable () 364
null SetRobloxLocaleId (string locale) 382 573
null StartTextScraper () 324 376 387 573
null StopTextScraper () 324 573
AutoTranslateWillRun () 349
57 members inherited from Instance

Removed member index (3)

Type Member History
string LocaleId 293
Language PreferredLanguage 295
void SetExperienceSettingsLocaleId (string locale) 534 547



AutoTranslateWillRun On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


ForcePlayModeGameLocaleId On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, NotReplicated]

ForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, NotReplicated]

GetCorescriptLocalizations On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
player Instance none


Tags: [Yields]

GetTableEntries On DevHub

Name Type Default
instance Instance nil


GetTranslatorForLocaleAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
locale string none


Tags: [Yields]

GetTranslatorForPlayer On DevHub

Name Type Default
player Instance none


GetTranslatorForPlayerAsync On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
player Instance none


Tags: [Yields]

IsTextScraperRunning On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.


Tags: [Hidden]

PromptDownloadGameTableToCSV On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
table Instance none


Tags: [Yields]

PromptExportToCSVs On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
No parameters.


Tags: [Yields]

PromptImportFromCSVs On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
No parameters.


Tags: [Yields]

PromptUploadCSVToGameTable On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
No parameters.


Tags: [Yields]

RobloxForcePlayModeGameLocaleId On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, NotReplicated]

RobloxForcePlayModeRobloxLocaleId On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, NotReplicated]

RobloxLocaleId On DevHub

This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated]

SetRobloxLocaleId On DevHub

Name Type Default
locale string none


StartTextScraper On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


StopTextScraper On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


SystemLocaleId On DevHub

This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [ReadOnly, NotReplicated]

Removed members


This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.


Tags: [ReadOnly]


This property is read-only. Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.


Tags: [ReadOnly]


Name Type Default
locale string none


Relevant classes (1)