Reference API Roblox

Engine API



Reference API Roblox


Models are container objects, meaning they group objects together. They are best used to hold collections of BaseParts and have a number of functions that extend their functionality.

Member index 33

553LevelOfDetail: ModelLevelOfDetail
553ModelStreamingMode: ModelStreamingMode
553PrimaryPart: BasePart
562Scale: float
553WorldPivot: CFrame
573AddPersistentPlayer(playerInstance: Player = Player): null
573BreakJoints(): null
607GetBoundingBox(): (CFrame, Vector3)
462GetExtentsSize(): Vector3
553GetModelCFrame(): CFrame
553GetModelSize(): Vector3
648GetPersistentPlayers(): Instances
576GetPrimaryPartCFrame(): CFrame
562GetScale(): float
573MakeJoints(): null
573MoveTo(position: Vector3): null
573RemovePersistentPlayer(playerInstance: Player = Player): null
573ResetOrientationToIdentity(): null
573ScaleTo(newScaleFactor: float): null
573SetIdentityOrientation(): null
573SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cframe: CFrame): null
573TranslateBy(delta: Vector3): null
573breakJoints(): null
573makeJoints(): null
573move(location: Vector3): null
573moveTo(location: Vector3): null
inherited from PVInstance
553Origin: CFrame
553Pivot Offset: CFrame
576GetPivot(): CFrame
573PivotTo(targetCFrame: CFrame): null
inherited from Instance
553Archivable: bool
635Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities
553Name: string
553Parent: Instance
635Sandboxed: bool
616UniqueId: UniqueId
576AddTag(tag: string): null
573ClearAllChildren(): null
462Clone(): Instance
573Destroy(): null
486FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance
563GetActor(): Actor
486GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant
462GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal
631GetAttributes(): Dictionary
648GetChildren(): Instances
462GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string
486GetDescendants(): Array
486GetFullName(): string
641GetStyled(name: string): Variant
657GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
576GetTags(): Array
576HasTag(tag: string): bool
486IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool
486IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
664IsPropertyModified(property: string): bool
573Remove(): null
576RemoveTag(tag: string): null
664ResetPropertyToDefault(property: string): null
573SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null
462WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance
648children(): Instances
553clone(): Instance
573destroy(): null
553findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
648getChildren(): Instances
553isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
573remove(): null
462AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance)
462AttributeChanged(attribute: string)
462ChildAdded(child: Instance)
462ChildRemoved(child: Instance)
462DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance)
462DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance)
553childAdded(child: Instance)
inherited from Object
647ClassName: string
647className: string
647GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
647IsA(className: string): bool
650isA(className: string): bool
647Changed(property: string)

Removed member index 2

557World Pivot Orientation: Vector3
557World Pivot Position: Vector3


Models are container objects, meaning they group objects together. They are best used to hold collections of BaseParts and have a number of functions that extend their functionality.

Models are intended to represent geometric groupings. If your grouping has no geometric interpretation, for instance a collection of Scripts, use a Folder instead.

Models whose constituent parts are joined together with joints (so that they can move around or be destroyed via physics simulation) usually have a PrimaryPart set, as it specifies which part within the model the pivot and bounding box will "follow" as the model moves. Static models which stay in one place do not benefit from having a primary part set.

Models have a wide range of applications, including Roblox player characters. They also have a number of unique behaviors that are important to keep in mind:

As with all Instance types, the fact that a parent Model is replicated to a client does not guarantee that all its children are replicated. This is particularly important if these instances are being accessed by code running on the client, such as in a LocalScript. Using ModelStreamingMode with values such as Atomic can ensure that the entire model and all of its descendants are present if the parent model exists on the client, or you can use WaitForChild() when atomicity is not desired.

History 113

Members 33


Parameters (1)Default
Returns (1)

History 4


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

Breaks connections between BaseParts, including surface connections with any adjacent parts, WeldConstraints, and all Welds and other JointInstances.

When BreakJoints is used on a Player character Model, the character's Humanoid will die as it relies on the Neck joint.

Note that although joints produced by surface connections with adjacent Parts can technically be recreated using Model:MakeJoints(), this will only recreate joints produced by surfaces. Developers should not rely on this as following the joints being broken parts may no longer be in contact with each other.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (2)

This function returns a description of a volume that contains all BasePart children within a Model. The volume's orientation is based on the orientation of the PrimaryPart, and matches the selection box rendered in Studio when the model is selected. Mirroring the behavior of Terrain:FillBlock(), it returns a CFrame representing the center of that bounding box and a Vector3 representing its size.

If there is no PrimaryPart for the model, the bounding box will be aligned to the world axes.

local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local model = Workspace.Model
local part = Workspace.Part
local orientation, size = model:GetBoundingBox()

-- Resize and position part equal to bounding box of model
part.Size = size
part.CFrame = orientation

History 3


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

Returns the size of the smallest bounding box that contains all of the BaseParts in the Model. If Model.PrimaryPart exists then the bounding box will be aligned to that part. If a primary part has not been set then the function will chose a part in the model to align the bounding box to. As the selection of this part is not deterministic it is recommended to set a Model.PrimaryPart to get consistent results with this function.

Note this function only returns the size of the smallest bounding box, and the developer must employ their own method to obtain the position of the bounding box.

History 2


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

This value historically returned the CFrame of a central position in the model.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPrimaryPartCFrame should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

The GetModelSize function returns the Vector3 size of the Model.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetExtentsSize should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

When this method is called from a Script, it returns all the Player objects that this model is persistent for. When called from a LocalScript, this method only checks if this model is persistent for the LocalPlayer.

History 2


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

This function has been superseded by PVInstance:GetPivot() which acts as a replacement and does not change your code's behavior. Use PVInstance:GetPivot() for new work and migrate your existing Model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() calls when convenient.

Returns the CFrame of the model's Model.PrimaryPart.

This function is equivalent to the following.


Note this function will throw an error if no primary part exists for the Model. If this behavior is not desired developers can do the following, which will be equal to nil if there is no primary part.

local cFrame = Model.PrimaryPart and Model.PrimaryPart.CFrame
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPivot should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

Models contain a persistent canonical scale factor, which starts out at 1 for newly created models and changes as the model is scaled by calling Model/ScaleTo. This function returns the current canonical scale factor of the model.

The current scale factor does not directly impact the size of Instances under the model. It is used for content authoring and scripting purposes to remember how the model has been scaled relative to its original size.

Within a given session, the model will cache the precise original size information of the descendant Instances after the first Model/ScaleTo call. This means that calling ScaleTo(x) followed by ScaleTo(1) will get you back exactly the original configuration of the model with no floating point drift. Avoiding floating point drift is the motivation for having a ScaleTo function instead of a ScaleBy function.

The scale factor does impact engine behavior in one way: The scale factor of a model will be applied to joint offsets of animations played on an AnimationController under that model, so that animated rigs will correctly play back animations even when scaled.

History 1



Sets the level of detail on the model for experiences with instance streaming enabled.

When set to StreamingMesh, a lower resolution "imposter" mesh (colored, coarse mesh that wraps around all child parts of the model) renders outside the streaming radius.

When set to Disabled or Automatic, lower resolution meshes will not be displayed.

History 4


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

SurfaceType based joining is deprecated. Don't use MakeJoints for new projects. Use WeldConstraints and HingeConstraints instead.

Goes through all Parts in the Model and creates joints between the specified Parts and any planar touching surfaces, depending on the parts' surfaces.

  • Smooth surfaces will not create joints
  • Glue surfaces will create a Glue joint
  • Weld will create a Weld joint with any surface except for Unjoinable
  • Studs, Inlet, or Universal will each create a Snap joint with either of other the other two surfaces (e.g. Studs with Inlet and Universal)
  • Hinge and Motor surfaces create Rotate and RotateV joint instances

This function doesn't work if the Part is not a descendant of Workspace. Therefore, you must first ensure the Model is parented to Workspace before using MakeJoints.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]



Controls how Models are streamed in and out when instance streaming is enabled. Behavior depends on the selected enum. Has no effect when streaming is not enabled.

This property should only be changed in Studio via the Properties window when streaming is enabled, or in Scripts, but never in LocalScripts (doing so can result in undefined behavior).

History 2


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

Moves the PrimaryPart to the given position. If a primary part has not been specified, the root part of the model will be used, but the root part is not deterministic and it is recommended that you always set a primary part when using MoveTo().

If there are any obstructions where the model is to be moved, such as Terrain or other BaseParts, the model will be moved vertically upward until there is nothing in the way. If this behavior is not desired, PVInstance:PivotTo() should be used instead.

Note that rotation is not preserved when moving a model with MoveTo(). It is recommended to use either TranslateBy() or PVInstance:PivotTo() if the current rotation of the model needs to be preserved.

History 4



Points to the primary part of the Model. The primary part is the BasePart that acts as the physical reference for the pivot of the model. That is, when parts within the model are moved due to physical simulation or other means, the pivot will move in sync with the primary part.

Note that Models do not have PrimaryPart set by default. If you are creating a model that needs to be acted upon by physics, you should manually set this property in Studio or within a script. If the primary part is not set, the pivot will remain at the same location in world space, even if parts within the model are moved.

Also note that when setting this property, it must be a BasePart that is a descendant of the model. If you try to set Model.PrimaryPart to a BasePart that is not a descendant of the model, it will be set to that part but reset to nil during the next simulation step — this is legacy behavior to support scripts which assume they can temporarily set the primary part to a BasePart which isn't a descendant of the model.

The general rule for models is that:

  • Models whose parts are joined together via physical joints such as WeldConstraints or Motor6Ds should have a primary part assigned. For example, Roblox character models have their Model.PrimaryPart set to the HumanoidRootPart by default.
  • Static (usually Anchored) models which stay in one place unless a script explicitly moves them don't require a Model.PrimaryPart and tend not to benefit from having one set.

History 6


Parameters (1)Default
Returns (1)

History 4


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

Resets the rotation of the model's parts to the previously set identity rotation, which is done through the Model:SetIdentityOrientation() method.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. SetPrimaryPartCFrame should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]



Setting this property in the properties pane will scale the model as though Model/ScaleTo was called on it, scaling all descendant Instances in the model such that the model has the specified scale factor relative to its original size.

This property is only available in Studio and will throw an error if used in a Script or LocalScript. Model/ScaleTo and Model/GetScale should be used from scripts.

This property is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by script code.
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

History 1

Tags: [NotReplicated, NotScriptable]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

Models contain a persistent canonical scale factor, which starts out at 1 for newly created models. This function scales the model, around the pivot location, relative to how it would look at a scale factor of 1. To accomplish this it does two things:

  • Sets the current scale factor of the model to the specified value
  • Resizes and repositions all descendant Instances accordingly

The scaling of locations is done around the pivot location.

All "geometric" properties of descendant Instances will be scaled. That obviously includes the sizes of parts, but here are some other examples of properties which are scaled:

  • The length of joints like WeldConstraints, and Ropes
  • Physical velocities and forces like Hinge.MaxServoTorque
  • Visual properties like sizes of particle emitters
  • Other length properties like Sound.RollOffMinDistance

History 2


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

Sets the identity rotation of the given model, allowing you to reset the rotation of the entire model later, through the use of the ResetOrientationToIdentity method.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. SetPrimaryPartCFrame should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

This function has been superseded by PVInstance:PivotTo() which acts as a more performant replacement and does not change your code's behavior. Use PVInstance:PivotTo() for new work and migrate your existing Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() calls when convenient.

Sets the BasePart.CFrame of the model's Model.PrimaryPart. All other parts in the model will also be moved and will maintain their orientation and offset respective to the Model.PrimaryPart.

Note, this function will throw an error if no Model.PrimaryPart exists for the model. This can cause issues if, for example, the primary part was never set or has been destroyed.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. PivotTo should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

Shifts a Model by the given Vector3 offset, preserving the model's orientation. If another BasePart or Terrain already exists at the new position then the Model will overlap said object.

The translation is applied in world space rather than object space, meaning even if the model's parts are orientated differently it will still move along the standard axis.

History 4



This property determines where the pivot of a Model which does not have a set Model.PrimaryPart is located. If the Model does have a PrimaryPart, the pivot of the Model is equal to the pivot of that primary part instead, and this WorldPivot property is ignored.

For a newly created Model, its pivot will be treated as the center of the bounding box of its contents until the first time its Model.WorldPivot property is set. Once the world pivot is set for the first time, it is impossible to restore this initial behavior.

Most commonly, moving the model with the Studio tools, or with model movement functions such as PVInstance:PivotTo() and Model:MoveTo(), will set the world pivot and thus end this new model behavior.

The purpose of this behavior is to allow Lua code to get a sensible pivot simply by creating a new model and parenting objects to it, avoiding the need to explicitly set Model.WorldPivot every time you create a model in code.

local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace")

local model ="Model")
Workspace.BluePart.Parent = model
Workspace.RedPart.Parent = model
model.Parent = Workspace

print(model:GetPivot())  -- Currently equal to the center of the bounding box containing "BluePart" and "RedPart"

model:PivotTo(, 10, 0))  -- This works without needing to explicitly set "model.WorldPivot"
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

History 6

Tags: [NotReplicated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. BreakJoints should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. MakeJoints should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. MoveTo should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. MoveTo should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]

Removed members 2

World Pivot Orientation

Vector30, 0, 0
This property is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by script code.
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

History 4

Tags: [NotReplicated, NotScriptable]

World Pivot Position

Vector30, 0, 0
This property is not scriptable. It cannot be accessed by script code.
This property is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.

History 4

Tags: [NotReplicated, NotScriptable]
