Reference API Roblox

Engine API



Reference API Roblox


This service controls the points award system used to showcase a player's achievements and participation throughout Roblox.

This class is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
This class is not creatable. Instances of this class cannot be created with
This class is a service. It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
Tags: [NotCreatable, Service, Deprecated]

Member index 5

462AwardPoints(userId: int64, amount: int): Tuple
462GetAwardablePoints(): int
462GetGamePointBalance(userId: int64): int
462GetPointBalance(userId: int64): int
462PointsAwarded(userId: int64, pointsAwarded: int, userBalanceInGame: int, userTotalBalance: int)
inherited from Instance
553Archivable: bool
635Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities
553Name: string
553Parent: Instance
635Sandboxed: bool
616UniqueId: UniqueId
576AddTag(tag: string): null
573ClearAllChildren(): null
462Clone(): Instance
573Destroy(): null
486FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance
563GetActor(): Actor
486GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant
462GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal
631GetAttributes(): Dictionary
648GetChildren(): Instances
462GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string
486GetDescendants(): Array
486GetFullName(): string
641GetStyled(name: string): Variant
657GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
576GetTags(): Array
576HasTag(tag: string): bool
486IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool
486IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
664IsPropertyModified(property: string): bool
573Remove(): null
576RemoveTag(tag: string): null
664ResetPropertyToDefault(property: string): null
573SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null
462WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance
648children(): Instances
553clone(): Instance
573destroy(): null
553findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
648getChildren(): Instances
553isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
573remove(): null
462AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance)
462AttributeChanged(attribute: string)
462ChildAdded(child: Instance)
462ChildRemoved(child: Instance)
462DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance)
462DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance)
553childAdded(child: Instance)
inherited from Object
647ClassName: string
647className: string
647GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
647IsA(className: string): bool
650isA(className: string): bool
647Changed(property: string)


The PointsService class controls points.

Points are an award system used to showcase a player's achievements and participation throughout Roblox. How points are awarded through this service is at the discretion of the game's developer.

History 22

Members 5


Parameters (2)
Returns (1)

This function attempts to award the user with the specified Player.UserId the specified number of points.

If successful, this function will return the UserId of the user the points were awarded to, the number of points awarded, the new total number of points the user has in the game and another value which appears to always be 0.

This function will cause an error if the specified UserId is not positive or if the number of points specified is 0.

The function can be used to award a negative number of points to a user however.

local userId, amount, total = game:GetService("PointsService"):AwardPoints(1, 5)
print("The user was awarded " ..amount.. " points. They have now have a total of " " points in this game.")
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.

History 4

Tags: [Yields, Deprecated]


Parameters (0)
No parameters.
Returns (1)

This function returns the number of points the current game has available to award to players.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

This function returns the total number of points a player has in the current game.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.

History 4

Tags: [Yields, Deprecated]


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

This function returns the total number of points the given player has across all games.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.

History 4

Tags: [Yields, Deprecated]


Parameters (4)

This event fires when points have been successfully awarded to a player, while also passing along the updated balance of points the player has in the current game and all games.

When a player is awarded points successfully the below example would print the userId and their new point balance. If, for example, the Roblox account was awarded thirty points (and had none to begin with)

User: 1 has now earned 30 (+30) points in the current game, now making their total balance

would be printed.

local function pointsAwarded(userId, pointsAwarded, userBalanceInGame, userTotalBalance)
	print("User: " .. userId .. " has now earned " .. userBalanceInGame .. " (+" .. pointsAwarded ..") points in the current game, now making their total balance " .. userTotalBalance)


History 4
