Defines flex behavior for a GuiObject within a UIListLayout.
Memory category | Instances |
Member index 4
The UIFlexItem object defines flex behavior for its parent GuiObject under the control of a UIListLayout. The defined flex behavior overrides that of the controlling UIListLayout, letting you configure flex behavior on a per‑object basis where necessary.

History 9
- 636 Change Tags of UIFlexItem from [NotBrowsable] to []
- 636 Change Tags of UIFlexItem from [] to [NotBrowsable]
- 636 Change Tags of UIFlexItem from [NotBrowsable] to []
- 603 Change Tags of UIFlexItem from [] to [NotBrowsable]
- 598 Add ShrinkRatio
- 598 Add ItemLineAlignment
- 598 Add GrowRatio
- 598 Add FlexMode
- 598 Add UIFlexItem
Members 4
Type | Default | |
UIFlexMode | None |
UIFlexMode value which defines how the parent GuiObject grows or shrinks with available space in the flex layout container.
When the container's size is larger than the flex line's combined
basis size, a value of UIFlexMode.Grow sets an effective 1:0
grow‑shrink ratio on the parent GuiObject. Objects set to
UIFlexMode.Grow never shrink below their basis size, so overflow
may occur if the container becomes smaller than the line's combined basis

When the container's size is smaller than the flex line's combined
basis size and the controlling UIListLayout is not set to wrap
(resulting in overflow), a value of UIFlexMode.Shrink sets an
effective 0:1
grow‑shrink ratio on the parent GuiObject. Objects
set to UIFlexMode.Shrink never grow above their basis size, so
underflow may occur if the container becomes larger than the line's
combined basis size.

When the container's size is either larger or smaller than the flex line's
combined basis size, a value of UIFlexMode.Fill sets an effective
grow‑shrink ratio on the parent GuiObject. This setting
ensures the flex line always fills the container, even if the container
size changes.

For fine-tuned layouts, a value of UIFlexMode.Custom enables the GrowRatio and ShrinkRatio properties, allowing for relative growth or shrinking of the object in a ratio compared to other flex objects also under control of a UIFlexItem.
Thread safety | ReadSafe |
Category | Appearance |
Loaded/Saved | true |
Type | Default | |
float | 0 |
If there is free space in the flex line, this property determines the amount the parent GuiObject grows relative to other flex items in the line. Applies only if FlexMode is set to UIFlexMode.Custom.
Thread safety | ReadSafe |
Category | Appearance |
Loaded/Saved | true |
Type | Default | |
ItemLineAlignment | Automatic |
Cross-axis alignment of the specific parent GuiObject within the flex line. See UIListLayout.ItemLineAlignment for details.
Thread safety | ReadSafe |
Category | Appearance |
Loaded/Saved | true |
History 1
- 598 Add ItemLineAlignment
Type | Default | |
float | 0 |
If there is overflow in the flex line, this property determines the amount the parent GuiObject shrinks relative to other flex items in the line. Applies only if FlexMode is set to UIFlexMode.Custom.
Thread safety | ReadSafe |
Category | Appearance |
Loaded/Saved | true |
History 1
- 598 Add ShrinkRatio