Roblox API Reference

VirtualInputManager On DevHub


This class is a service. It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.

Tags: [Service]

Inherits (1)

Member index (26)

Type Member History
string AdditionalLuaState 469 469
null Dump () 573
null HandleGamepadAxisInput (int objectId, KeyCode keyCode, float x, float y, float z) 348 573
null HandleGamepadButtonInput (int deviceId, KeyCode keyCode, int buttonState) 348 573
null HandleGamepadConnect (int deviceId) 348 573
null HandleGamepadDisconnect (int deviceId) 348 573
null SendAccelerometerEvent (float x, float y, float z) 348 573
null SendGravityEvent (float x, float y, float z) 348 573
null SendGyroscopeEvent (float quatX, float quatY, float quatZ, float quatW) 348 573
null SendKeyEvent (bool isPressed, KeyCode keyCode, bool isRepeatedKey, Instance layerCollector) 348 355 454 573
null SendMouseButtonEvent (int x, int y, int mouseButton, bool isDown, Instance layerCollector, int repeatCount) 348 355 423 454 573
null SendMouseMoveEvent (float x, float y, Instance layerCollector) 348 355 454 573
null SendMouseWheelEvent (float x, float y, bool isForwardScroll, Instance layerCollector) 348 355 454 573
null SendTextInputCharacterEvent (string str, Instance layerCollector) 348 355 454 573
null SendTouchEvent (int64 touchId, int state, float x, float y) 348 573
null SetInputTypesToIgnore (Variant inputTypesToIgnore) 479 573
null StartPlaying (string fileName) 573
null StartPlayingJSON (string string) 479 573
null StartRecording () 573
null StopPlaying () 479 573
null StopRecording () 573
null WaitForInputEventsProcessed () 499 573
null sendRobloxEvent (string namespace, string detail, string detailType) 355 573
null sendThemeChangeEvent (string themeName) 438 573
PlaybackCompleted (string additionalLuaState)
RecordingCompleted (string result)
57 members inherited from Instance

Removed member index (1)

Type Member History
void SetViewportSize (Vector2 sizePx) 479 491



AdditionalLuaState On DevHub

This member is hidden. It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
This item is not replicated. Its interface does not cross the network boundary.


Tags: [Hidden, NotReplicated]

Dump On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


HandleGamepadAxisInput On DevHub

Name Type Default
objectId int none
keyCode KeyCode none
x float none
y float none
z float none


HandleGamepadButtonInput On DevHub

Name Type Default
deviceId int none
keyCode KeyCode none
buttonState int none


HandleGamepadConnect On DevHub

Name Type Default
deviceId int none


HandleGamepadDisconnect On DevHub

Name Type Default
deviceId int none


PlaybackCompleted On DevHub

Name Type Default
additionalLuaState string none

RecordingCompleted On DevHub

Name Type Default
result string none

SendAccelerometerEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
x float none
y float none
z float none


SendGravityEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
x float none
y float none
z float none


SendGyroscopeEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
quatX float none
quatY float none
quatZ float none
quatW float none


SendKeyEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
isPressed bool none
keyCode KeyCode none
isRepeatedKey bool none
layerCollector Instance none


SendMouseButtonEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
x int none
y int none
mouseButton int none
isDown bool none
layerCollector Instance none
repeatCount int none


SendMouseMoveEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
x float none
y float none
layerCollector Instance none


SendMouseWheelEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
x float none
y float none
isForwardScroll bool none
layerCollector Instance none


SendTextInputCharacterEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
str string none
layerCollector Instance none


SendTouchEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
touchId int64 none
state int none
x float none
y float none


SetInputTypesToIgnore On DevHub

Name Type Default
inputTypesToIgnore Variant none


StartPlaying On DevHub

Name Type Default
fileName string none


StartPlayingJSON On DevHub

Name Type Default
string string none


StartRecording On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


StopPlaying On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


StopRecording On DevHub

Name Type Default
No parameters.


WaitForInputEventsProcessed On DevHub

This function yields. It will block the calling thread until completion.
Name Type Default
No parameters.


Tags: [Yields]

sendRobloxEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
namespace string none
detail string none
detailType string none


sendThemeChangeEvent On DevHub

Name Type Default
themeName string none


Removed members


Name Type Default
sizePx Vector2 none


Relevant classes (1)

Relevant enums (1)