Instances of this class cannot be created with
It is a singleton that may be acquired with GetService.
It is not visible in Studio's object browser.
Tags: [NotCreatable, Service, NotBrowsable]
History | | Member |
553 | | VoiceChatState: VoiceChatState |
499 | | GetAndClearCallFailureMessage(): string |
499 | | GetAudioProcessingSettings(): Tuple |
541 | | GetChannelId(): string |
499 | | GetGroupId(): string |
499 | | GetMicDevices(): Tuple |
499 | | GetParticipants(): Array |
552 | | GetSessionId(): string |
499 | | GetSpeakerDevices(): Tuple |
499 | | GetVoiceChatApiVersion(): int |
499 | | GetVoiceChatAvailable(): int |
552 | | GetVoiceExperienceId(): string |
499 | | IsContextVoiceEnabled(): bool |
499 | | IsPublishPaused(): bool |
499 | | IsSubscribePaused(userId: int64): bool |
499 | | IsVoiceEnabledForUserIdAsync(userId: int64): bool |
499 | | JoinByGroupId(groupId: string, isMicMuted: bool = false): bool |
583 | | JoinByGroupIdToken(groupId: string, isMicMuted: bool, isRetry: bool = false): bool |
573 | | Leave(): null |
589 | | LogPublisherWebRTCStats(): bool |
589 | | LogSubscriptionWebRTCStats(): bool |
499 | | PublishPause(paused: bool): bool |
573 | | SetMicDevice(micDeviceName: string, micDeviceGuid: string): null |
573 | | SetSpeakerDevice(speakerDeviceName: string, speakerDeviceGuid: string): null |
506 | | SubscribeBlock(userId: int64): bool |
499 | | SubscribePause(userId: int64, paused: bool): bool |
499 | | SubscribePauseAll(paused: bool): bool |
512 | | SubscribeRetry(userId: int64): bool |
506 | | SubscribeUnblock(userId: int64): bool |
544 | | LocalPlayerModerated() |
499 | | ParticipantsStateChanged(participantsLeft: Array, participantsJoined: Array, updatedStates: Array) |
499 | | PlayerMicActivitySignalChange(activityInfo: Dictionary) |
536 | | StateChanged(old: VoiceChatState, new: VoiceChatState) |
643 | | TempSetMicMutedToggleMic() |
inherited from Instance |
553 | | Archivable: bool |
553 | | Attributes: string |
553 | | AttributesReplicate: string |
553 | | AttributesSerialize: BinaryString |
635 | | Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities |
553 | | DataCost: int |
619 | | DefinesCapabilities: bool |
553 | | HistoryId: UniqueId |
553 | | Name: string |
553 | | Parent: Instance |
553 | | PropertyStatusStudio: PropertyStatus |
553 | | RobloxLocked: bool |
635 | | Sandboxed: bool |
616 | | SourceAssetId: int64 |
553 | | Tags: BinaryString |
616 | | UniqueId: UniqueId |
553 | | archivable: bool |
553 | | numExpectedDirectChildren: int |
576 | | AddTag(tag: string): null |
573 | | ClearAllChildren(): null |
462 | | Clone(): Instance |
573 | | Destroy(): null |
486 | | FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance |
486 | | FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance |
563 | | GetActor(): Actor |
486 | | GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant |
462 | | GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal |
631 | | GetAttributes(): Dictionary |
648 | | GetChildren(): Instances |
462 | | GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string |
486 | | GetDescendants(): Array |
486 | | GetFullName(): string |
641 | | GetStyled(name: string): Variant |
657 | | GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal |
576 | | GetTags(): Array |
576 | | HasTag(tag: string): bool |
486 | | IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool |
486 | | IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool |
664 | | IsPropertyModified(property: string): bool |
573 | | Remove(): null |
576 | | RemoveTag(tag: string): null |
664 | | ResetPropertyToDefault(property: string): null |
573 | | SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null |
462 | | WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance |
648 | | children(): Instances |
553 | | clone(): Instance |
573 | | destroy(): null |
553 | | findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance |
648 | | getChildren(): Instances |
553 | | isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool |
573 | | remove(): null |
462 | | AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance) |
462 | | AttributeChanged(attribute: string) |
462 | | ChildAdded(child: Instance) |
462 | | ChildRemoved(child: Instance) |
462 | | DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance) |
462 | | DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance) |
500 | | Destroying() |
657 | | StyledPropertiesChanged() |
553 | | childAdded(child: Instance) |
inherited from Object |
647 | | ClassName: string |
647 | | className: string |
647 | | GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal |
647 | | IsA(className: string): bool |
650 | | isA(className: string): bool |
647 | | Changed(property: string) |
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
string |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
Tuple |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
string |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
string |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
Tuple |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
Array |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
string |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
Tuple |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
int |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
int |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
string |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
bool |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
bool |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It will block the calling thread until completion.
History 1
Tags: [Yields]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 2
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
null |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 2
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
bool |
History 1
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
Returns (1) |
bool |
History 1
Parameters (3) |
participantsLeft | Array |
participantsJoined | Array |
updatedStates | Array |
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 2
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 2
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 2
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
History 1
Tags: [Deprecated]
Parameters (0) |
No parameters. |
History 1
It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work.
Its interface does not cross the network boundary.
Its value can be read, but it cannot be modified.
It is not meant to be used, and may have unresolved issues.
History 2
Tags: [Hidden, ReadOnly, NotReplicated, Deprecated]