Reference API Roblox

Engine API



Reference API Roblox


Base class for handling physics simulation and 3D spatial queries.

This class is not creatable. Instances of this class cannot be created with
Tags: [NotCreatable]

Member index 25

648ArePartsTouchingOthers(partList: Instances, overlapIgnored: float = 0.000199999995): bool
638Blockcast(cframe: CFrame, size: Vector3, direction: Vector3, params: RaycastParams = RaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): RaycastResult?
648BulkMoveTo(partList: Instances, cframeList: Array, eventMode: BulkMoveMode = FireAllEvents): null
552CacheCurrentTerrain(id: string, center: Vector3, radius: float): string
552ClearCachedTerrain(id: string): bool
553FindPartOnRay(ray: Ray, ignoreDescendantsInstance: Instance = Instance, terrainCellsAreCubes: bool = false, ignoreWater: bool = false): Tuple
648FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray: Ray, ignoreDescendantsTable: Instances, terrainCellsAreCubes: bool = false, ignoreWater: bool = false): Tuple
648FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(ray: Ray, whitelistDescendantsTable: Instances, ignoreWater: bool = false): Tuple
648FindPartsInRegion3(region: Region3, ignoreDescendantsInstance: Instance = Instance, maxParts: int = 20): Instances
648FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList(region: Region3, ignoreDescendantsTable: Instances, maxParts: int = 20): Instances
648FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList(region: Region3, whitelistDescendantsTable: Instances, maxParts: int = 20): Instances
648GetPartBoundsInBox(cframe: CFrame, size: Vector3, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): Instances
648GetPartBoundsInRadius(position: Vector3, radius: float, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): Instances
648GetPartsInPart(part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): Instances
573IKMoveTo(part: BasePart, target: CFrame, translateStiffness: float = 0.5, rotateStiffness: float = 0.5, collisionsMode: IKCollisionsMode = OtherMechanismsAnchored): null
553IsRegion3Empty(region: Region3, ignoreDescendentsInstance: Instance = Instance): bool
648IsRegion3EmptyWithIgnoreList(region: Region3, ignoreDescendentsTable: Instances): bool
638Raycast(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3, raycastParams: RaycastParams = RaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): RaycastResult?
638RaycastCachedTerrain(id: string, origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3, ignoreWater: bool): RaycastResult?
573SetInsertPoint(point: Vector3, ignoreGrid: bool = false): null
638Shapecast(part: BasePart, direction: Vector3, params: RaycastParams = RaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): RaycastResult?
638Spherecast(position: Vector3, radius: float, direction: Vector3, params: RaycastParams = RaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}): RaycastResult?
648StepPhysics(dt: float, parts: Instances = {}): null
553findPartOnRay(ray: Ray, ignoreDescendantsInstance: Instance = Instance, terrainCellsAreCubes: bool = false, ignoreWater: bool = false): Tuple
648findPartsInRegion3(region: Region3, ignoreDescendantsInstance: Instance = Instance, maxParts: int = 20): Instances
inherited from Model
553LevelOfDetail: ModelLevelOfDetail
553ModelStreamingMode: ModelStreamingMode
553PrimaryPart: BasePart
562Scale: float
553WorldPivot: CFrame
573AddPersistentPlayer(playerInstance: Player = Player): null
573BreakJoints(): null
607GetBoundingBox(): (CFrame, Vector3)
462GetExtentsSize(): Vector3
553GetModelCFrame(): CFrame
553GetModelSize(): Vector3
648GetPersistentPlayers(): Instances
576GetPrimaryPartCFrame(): CFrame
562GetScale(): float
573MakeJoints(): null
573MoveTo(position: Vector3): null
573RemovePersistentPlayer(playerInstance: Player = Player): null
573ResetOrientationToIdentity(): null
573ScaleTo(newScaleFactor: float): null
573SetIdentityOrientation(): null
573SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cframe: CFrame): null
573TranslateBy(delta: Vector3): null
573breakJoints(): null
573makeJoints(): null
573move(location: Vector3): null
573moveTo(location: Vector3): null
inherited from PVInstance
553Origin: CFrame
553Pivot Offset: CFrame
576GetPivot(): CFrame
573PivotTo(targetCFrame: CFrame): null
inherited from Instance
553Archivable: bool
635Capabilities: SecurityCapabilities
553Name: string
553Parent: Instance
635Sandboxed: bool
616UniqueId: UniqueId
576AddTag(tag: string): null
573ClearAllChildren(): null
462Clone(): Instance
573Destroy(): null
486FindFirstAncestor(name: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstChildOfClass(className: string): Instance
486FindFirstChildWhichIsA(className: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
486FindFirstDescendant(name: string): Instance
563GetActor(): Actor
486GetAttribute(attribute: string): Variant
462GetAttributeChangedSignal(attribute: string): RBXScriptSignal
631GetAttributes(): Dictionary
648GetChildren(): Instances
462GetDebugId(scopeLength: int = 4): string
486GetDescendants(): Array
486GetFullName(): string
641GetStyled(name: string): Variant
657GetStyledPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
576GetTags(): Array
576HasTag(tag: string): bool
486IsAncestorOf(descendant: Instance): bool
486IsDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
664IsPropertyModified(property: string): bool
573Remove(): null
576RemoveTag(tag: string): null
664ResetPropertyToDefault(property: string): null
573SetAttribute(attribute: string, value: Variant): null
462WaitForChild(childName: string, timeOut: double): Instance
648children(): Instances
553clone(): Instance
573destroy(): null
553findFirstChild(name: string, recursive: bool = false): Instance
648getChildren(): Instances
553isDescendantOf(ancestor: Instance): bool
573remove(): null
462AncestryChanged(child: Instance, parent: Instance)
462AttributeChanged(attribute: string)
462ChildAdded(child: Instance)
462ChildRemoved(child: Instance)
462DescendantAdded(descendant: Instance)
462DescendantRemoving(descendant: Instance)
553childAdded(child: Instance)
inherited from Object
647ClassName: string
647className: string
647GetPropertyChangedSignal(property: string): RBXScriptSignal
647IsA(className: string): bool
650isA(className: string): bool
647Changed(property: string)

Removed member index 1

427IkMoveTo(part: Instance, target: CFrame, translateStiffness: float = 1, rotateStiffness: float = 1, collisionsMode: CollisionsMode = OtherMechanismsAnchored): void


This base class provides an API for any instance intended for handling 3D spatial queries and simulation, such as Workspace and WorldModel.

History 114

Members 25


Parameters (2)Default
Returns (1)

ArePartsTouchingOthers returns true if at least one of the given BasePart are touching any other parts. Two parts are considered "touching" if they are within the distance threshold, overlapIgnored.

If no parts are provided, false is returned.

History 3


Parameters (4)Default
paramsRaycastParamsRaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

Casts a block shape in a given direction and returns the first collision with a BasePart or Terrain cell. This is analogous to how WorldRoot:Raycast() casts a linear ray in a direction to find a collision, but it uses a 3D shape instead of a ray.

Unlike WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart(), this method does not detect BaseParts that initially intersect the shape.

If a hit is detected, a RaycastResult is returned containing the hit information. The Distance property represents the distance the shape has to travel to find a hit, and the Position property represents the intersection point that causes the hit.

This method throws an error if it is passed invalid CFrame, size, or direction inputs.

History 3


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)

This function moves a table of BaseParts to a table of CFrames without necessarily firing the default property Changed events. This provides a very fast way to move large numbers of parts, as you don't have to pay the cost of separate property sets for each individual part.

The third argument allows you to further optimize the movement operation. By default, the Changed event of each part fires for Position, Orientation, and CFrame. However, if you specify FireCFrameChanged as the third argument, only the Changed event for the CFrame property will fire.

Note that you should only use this function if you're sure that part movement is a bottleneck in your code. Simply setting the CFrame property of individual parts and welded models is fast enough in the majority of cases.

History 4


Parameters (3)
Returns (1)

History 1


Parameters (1)
Returns (1)

History 1


Parameters (4)Default
Returns (1)

FindPartOnRay uses raycasting to find the first BasePart or Terrain cell intersecting with a given Ray. This function returns the BasePart or terrain cell hit, the point of intersection, the surface normal at the point of intersection, and the associated Material hit.

If the ignoreDescendantsInstance parameter is provided, the raycasting calculation will ignore the given object and all of its descendants. It behaves similar to the Mouse.TargetFilter property.

The terrainCellsAreCubes and ignoreWater parameters determine whether Terrain cells should be treated as cubes or not, and whether water should be ignored or not.

In order to include or exclude multiple objects and their descendants, use the WorldRoot:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist() and WorldRoot:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList() variants.


  • Theoretically, a ray extends infinitely in one direction. However, the max length of the direction vector on Roblox is 15000 studs.
  • The length (magnitude) of the directional vector is important, as parts further away than its length will not be tested.
  • If the ray does not intersect anything, the return values will be nil and the point at the end of the ray, respectively.
  • Parts that are in a collision group that does not collide with the "Default" collision group are ignored implicitly.
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. Raycast should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (4)Default
Returns (1)

This function is a variant of WorldRoot:FindPartOnRay() with the addition of an ignore list. This lets you ignore certain parts or Models.

Those looking to include a specific group of objects should instead use WorldRoot:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist().

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. Raycast should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)

This function is a variant of WorldRoot:FindPartOnRay() with the addition of an inclusion list. This lets you detect only certain parts or Models and is particularly useful when, for example, looking for points of intersection between a ray and a single part.

If a nil value is given in the inclusion list, instances after it will be disregarded.

Those looking to exclude a specific group of objects should instead use WorldRoot:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList().

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. Raycast should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)

Returns an array of BaseParts in the given Region3.

This function takes an optional maxParts parameter (default 20) which limits the number of BaseParts that can be returned. Once this number has been reached, the search for BaseParts will stop. This means some BaseParts may not be returned even if they are within the Region3

The optional ignoreDescendantsInstance parameter can be used to specify a specific instance for whom itself and all of its descendants should be ignored by this function. This can be useful when, for example, looking to see if any BaseParts are inside a BasePart other than the BasePart itself.

local min = part.Position - (0.5 * part.Size)
local max = part.Position + (0.5 * part.Size)
local region =, max)
local parts = worldroot:FindPartsInRegion3(region, part)  -- Ignore part

The WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList() and WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList() variants of this method exist to provide specific exclusion and inclusion functionality.

If no BaseParts are found, an empty array will be returned.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 7

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)

Returns an array of BaseParts in the given Region3 that aren't in, or a descendant of an entry in, the given ignore list.

If a nil value is given in the ignore list, instances after this value will not be ignored. If no BaseParts are found, an empty array will be returned.

This function is a variant of WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3() with the addition of an ignore list. This allows the developer to exclude certain BaseParts or Models from the search. Those looking to find BaseParts in a Region3 using an inclusion list should use WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList().

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 6

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)

Returns an array of BaseParts in the given Region3 that are in, or descendant of an entry in, the given inclusion list.

If a nil value is given in the inclusion list, instances after this value will not be ignored. If no BaseParts are found, an empty array will be returned.

This function is a variant of WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3() with the addition of an inclusion list. This allows the developer to include only certain BaseParts or Models in the search. Those looking to find BaseParts in a Region3 using an exclusion list should use WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList().

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 6

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
overlapParamsOverlapParamsOverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox() returns an array of parts whose bounding boxes overlap a box whose volume is described using the given center (CFrame) and size (Vector3).

As emphasized, this spatial query method efficiently considers the volume of parts' bounding boxes rather than their actual occupied volume. This may be important when considering cylinders, spheres, unions, and MeshParts which have non-block shapes. For cases where accuracy especially matters, use WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart() instead, or further filter the results of this method yourself.

This method uses a OverlapParams object to describe reusable portions of the spatial query, such as an inclusion or exclusion list, the maximum number of parts to query, what collision group to use, and whether the query favors an intersected part's BasePart.CanCollide value over its BasePart.CanQuery value.

History 6


Parameters (3)Default
overlapParamsOverlapParamsOverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInRadius() returns an array of parts whose bounding boxes overlap a sphere whose volume is described using the given center (Vector3) and radius (number).

As emphasized, this spatial query method efficiently considers the volume of parts' bounding boxes rather than their actual occupied volume. This may be important when considering cylinders, spheres, unions, and MeshParts which have non-block shapes. For cases where accuracy especially matters, use WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart() instead, or further filter the results of this method yourself.

This method uses a OverlapParams object to describe reusable portions of the spatial query, such as an inclusion or exclusion list, the maximum number of parts to query, what collision group to use, and whether the query favors an intersected part's BasePart.CanCollide value over its BasePart.CanQuery value.

History 6


Parameters (2)Default
overlapParamsOverlapParamsOverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart() returns an array of parts whose occupied space is shared with the given part (which must exist in the same WorldRoot as the parts to be queried). This method can be used in place of BasePart:GetTouchingParts() and is generally a better choice.

As noted, this spatial query method considers the exact volume occupied by the given part using a full geometric collision check. As an example, a concave/hollow part won't match queried parts within it unless they actually overlap/touch such a part. For simpler volumes, consider using WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInBox() or WorldRoot:GetPartBoundsInRadius(), as they are less accurate but perform more efficiently.

This method uses a OverlapParams object to describe reusable portions of the spatial query, such as an inclusion or exclusion list, the maximum number of parts to query, what collision group to use, and whether the query favors an intersected part's BasePart.CanCollide value over its BasePart.CanQuery value.

History 7

  • 648 Change ReturnType of GetPartsInPart from Objects to Instances
  • 640 Change Parameters of GetPartsInPart from (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}) to (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=0, Tolerance=0, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}})
  • 549 Change Parameters of GetPartsInPart from (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}) to (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}})
  • 512 Change ThreadSafety of GetPartsInPart from Unsafe to Safe
  • 509 Change Parameters of GetPartsInPart from (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}) to (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}})
  • 492 Change Parameters of GetPartsInPart from (part: Instance, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}) to (part: BasePart, overlapParams: OverlapParams = OverlapParams{MaxParts=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}})
  • 470 Add GetPartsInPart


Parameters (5)Default
Returns (1)

This function moves the specified part to the specified location via inverse kinematics rather than moving it there directly, to ensure any joints, constraints, or collisions that part is participating in remain physically satisfied. Currently this function is only available in Studio to plugins, as it currently conflicts with the physics of a running game.

Translate stiffness is a number between 0 and 1 specifying how aggressively to match the part's position to the position part of the target CFrame. Rotate stiffness is a number between 0 and 1 specifying how aggressively to match the part's rotation to the rotation part of the target CFrame.

For example:

  • If translate stiffness and rotate stiffness are both equal to 1, then the part will be moved exactly to the target CFrame regardless of what physical constraints there are on it.
  • If translate stiffness and rotate stiffness are both equal to 0.5, then the part will try to move to exactly the target CFrame, but may be pushed out of the way by physical constraints on it.
  • If translate stiffness and rotate stiffness are both equal to 0, then the target CFrame will be ignored and physical constraints will be solved for the object at the position where it was.

History 4


Parameters (2)Default
Returns (1)

IsRegion3Empty returns a bool indicating whether there are no BaseParts within the given Region3.

The optional ignoreDescendantsInstance parameter can be used to specify a specific instance for whom itself and all of its descendants should be ignored by this function. This can be useful when, for example, looking to see if any BaseParts are inside a BasePart other than the BasePart itself.

local min = part.Position - (0.5 * part.Size)
local max = part.Position + (0.5 * part.Size)
local region =, max)
local isPartEmpty = worldroot:IsRegion3Empty(region, part)  -- Ignore part

If more than one object and its descendants need to be excluded from the search, developers should use WorldRoot:IsRegion3EmptyWithIgnoreList().

This function only returns if a region is empty or not. Developers looking to find BaseParts in a region should use WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3().

How do Region3 checks work?

Checking if a part overlaps a Region3 is not a simple process. It actually is time consuming and complicated. Instead it checks if parts are roughly in the same area. When this function is called, it figures out which voxels contain the Region3. It then figures out which parts might be in those voxels. It does this by comparing the axis-aligned bounding box (sometimes called the AABB) of the part with the voxels. The axis-aligned bounding box can be seen in Roblox Studio when a part is selected.

This means that the area that is inspected by the function may be larger than the Region3. For this reason it is recommended to make sure that the Region3 is on the voxel grid. The best way to do this is by setting the coordinates of the Region3 to multiples of 4 (since voxels are 4 x 4 x 4 studs).

This method is a fairly quick and easy way to see if any parts are in a general area. If a game needs to know if parts are exactly in an area, then BasePart:GetTouchingParts() should be used. There is a higher cost to using BasePart:GetTouchingParts() since a part is needed in the WorldRoot and the function takes more time to run.

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (2)
Returns (1)

Returns a boolean indicating whether there are no BaseParts within the given Region3, ignoring any BaseParts that are descendants of the objects within the given ignore list. If a nil value is given in the ignore list, instances after this value will not be ignored.

This function only returns if a region is empty or not. Developers looking to find specific BaseParts in a region should use WorldRoot:FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList().

This function is a variant of WorldRoot:IsRegion3Empty() with the addition of an ignore list. In cases where an inclusion list is required instead, developers should check to see if any parts are returned by WorldRoot:FindPartsinRegion3WithWhitelist().

This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 5

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
raycastParamsRaycastParamsRaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

Casts a ray using an origin, direction, and optional RaycastParams. If it finds an eligible BasePart or Terrain cell, a RaycastResult is returned containing the results of the operation. If no RaycastParams object is provided, the defaults are used (all parts are considered and Terrain water is not ignored).

Note that the length (magnitude) of the directional vector is important, as objects/terrain further away than its length will not be tested. If you're using a CFrame to help create the ray components, consider using CFrame.LookVector as the directional vector and multiply it by the desired length as shown in the example below. The maximum length of the direction vector is 15,000 studs.

This method does not use a Ray object, but its origin and direction components can be borrowed from Ray.Origin and Ray.Direction.

History 10


Parameters (4)
Returns (1)

History 2


Parameters (2)Default
Returns (1)

History 5


Parameters (3)Default
paramsRaycastParamsRaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

History 2


Parameters (4)Default
paramsRaycastParamsRaycastParams{IgnoreWater=false, BruteForceAllSlow=false, RespectCanCollide=false, CollisionGroup=Default, FilterDescendantsInstances={}}
Returns (1)

Casts a spherical shape in a given direction and returns the first collision with a BasePart or Terrain cell. This is analogous to how WorldRoot:Raycast() casts a linear ray in a direction to find a collision, but it uses a 3D shape instead of a ray.

Unlike WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart(), this method does not detect BaseParts that initially intersect the shape.

If a hit is detected, a RaycastResult is returned containing the hit information. The Distance property represents the distance the shape has to travel to find a hit, and the Position property represents the intersection point that causes the hit.

This method throws an error if it is passed invalid radius or direction inputs.

History 3


Parameters (2)Default
Returns (1)

Advances the simulation for parts in the world forward based on a specified time increment and an optional set of BasePart. When a set of parts is specified, only these parts will be simulated and all other parts in the world will be treated as anchored. When this argument is left out, all parts in the world will be included in the simulation. The specified time increment can be any positive number, with larger values increasing the runtime of the function. Depending on the value of the time increment, the physics system may subdivide it into multiple individual steps to maintain the accuracy and stability of the simulation. Even if the function performs multiple substeps, the results of the simulation will only be seen once the function completes. To visualize the individual steps of a simulation, the function can be called once per RenderStep via the RunService.RenderStepped event.

History 2


Parameters (4)Default
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. Raycast should be used instead.

History 3

Tags: [Deprecated]


Parameters (3)Default
Returns (1)
This function is deprecated. It exists only for backward compatibility, and should not be used for new work. GetPartBoundsInBox should be used instead.

History 4

Tags: [Deprecated]

Removed members 1


Parameters (5)Default
Returns (1)

History 2
